Monday, June 15, 2020

2020 WDB Pandemic Edition

Well at least the weather was good to us! I think we all missed the camaraderie and support of our fellow gravel grinders out there, hope we can get back to it as a group start next year.  Thanks to everyone who came out for the ride and congratulations to everyone for finishing the ride!

Here are the results, the classes were just divided up into Men  & Women. The + mileage riders times were based on their average speed over 99 miles with their total ride mileage in the next column

1Emily FlynnOpen Women6:33
3Sandy MarshallOpen Women6:51
3Jesse StevensOpen Women6:57
1Josh MolnarOpen Men5:02
2Brandon VoltzkeOpen Men5:31
3David WarginOpen Men+5:49122
4Dominick RoccoOpen Men5:52
5Eric SundstromOpen Men5:59
6Mat BoieOpen Men6:00
7Tim KarelsOpen Men6:01
8Zach GoldbergOpen Men6:01
9Danny StormOpen Men6:02
10Jesse RientsOpen Men+6:04112
11Kurtis WilsonOpen Men6:08
12Brent KvittemOpen Men6:08
13Daniel KeifenheimOpen Men6:12
14Scott HippenOpen Men6:19
15Mike CampbellOpen Men6:19
16John BestmanOpen Men6:23
17Matt O'LaughlinOpen Men6:30
18Joe BlackOpen Men6:30
19Prasanna SuryadevarOpen Men6:31
20Charles WolfOpen Men6:33
21Badger KOpen Men6:35
22Timothy HoffardOpen Men6:35
23Ian PriceOpen Men+6:36145
24Andy WagnerOpen Men6:36
25Chris NelsonOpen Men+6:38131
26Joe BellOpen Men6:39
27Ben HeyOpen Men6:43
28Steve MarshallOpen Men6:44
29Chris Van ErtOpen Men6:44
30Dustin GaffkeOpen Men6:45
31Ken EarleyOpen Men6:47
32David PollittOpen Men6:47
33Tom QuinnOpen Men6:48
34Ben OneyOpen Men6:49
35Bryan DoughertyOpen Men6:53
36Danny StevensOpen Men6:55
37Matt StenersonOpen Men6:55
38Harlan SmithOpen Men6:58
39Jay StybaOpen Men7:12
40King GeoffreyOpen Men7:13
41Jason StukelOpen Men7:13
42Justin KremerOpen Men7:18
43Joseph Van KirkOpen Men7:24
44Alex PriceOpen Men+7:36139
45Rohit KumarOpen Men7:40
46Kevin CleeremanOpen Men7:54
47Matt PetersenOpen Men7:57
48John CarlineOpen Men8:03
49Jay DellisOpen Men8:08
50Joe AlbrechtOpen Men8:53
1Cam Evjen75 Men4:41
2Chris Sibley75 Men5:02
3Pete Hall75 Men5:17

Thursday, June 11, 2020

2020 Cue Sheets - GPS - Final Details

The course cue sheets and GPS route links posted below.

Course updates:
The Henderson Single track has been removed.
The gravel in LeSeuer County is freshly graded and pretty soft.
Trail section behind Carver is mostly dry as of yesterday, maybe 30 ft of rideable mud.

Chaska Starters please start and stop Strava at Veteran's Park
LeSueur Starters please start and stop Strava by The Jolly Green Giant

Chaska: Veterans Park's 619 Creek Rd. Chaska, MN (formerly Schimelfenig Park)
LeSueur:  The Jolly Green Giant Peck St. & Main St. LeSueur, MN

The cue sheets have the mileage set for the Chaska start. If you are starting from LeSueur and want to use the cue sheets there are notes on them for the start and continuation out of Chaska.

A 75 mile GPS route has been added as well however you the ride from Henderson to/and around LeSueur which maybe the best part of the route.

Time will be based on moving time. This means if you stop for food, traffic, beer, etc. your result won't be effected.  This is to keep the event more laid back and safe.

If your Strava setting are set to private please change them before riding the event you we can see your ride data.



Chaska Cue Sheets
Chaska Start GPX
Chaska Start TCX
Chaska Strava Route

LeSeuer Start GPX
LeSeuer Start TCX
LeSeuer Strava Route

Chaska 75mile GPX
Chaska 75mile TCX
Chaska 75 Strava Route

Saturday, June 6, 2020

2020 Route and Event Plan

The Westside Dirty Benjamin felt irrelevant the past couple weeks as we go through the tragedy of the George Floyd murder.  I hope everyone has been getting through these difficult times, are safe, and able to support your family & community. 

We still are planning on having a ride next weekend, here is the plan:

The route is similar to the 2017/2018 versions that runs from Chaska to LeSueur is just shy of 100 miles.  The GPS and Cue sheet files will be posted by Wednesday night, along with more course details.  Link to google map is here

-The timing for the event will run through the Strava app.   
-The ride may be completed anytime Friday 6/12, Saturday 6/13, or Sunday 6/14
-If you are interested in riding in a group consider starting on the hour 7am, 8am, 9am etc.  If you wish to avoid riding in a group consider starting between quarter after - quarter to the hour. 
-No registration in required for this event. 


The start locations are:
Veteran's Park - 619 Creek Rd. Chaska, MN 55318
The Jolly Green Giant Peck St. & Main St. Le Sueur, MN 56058

Timing and Strava fine details:
-The times will be based on moving time.
-There will be a +/- 1 minute time variance that will result in a tie.
-If you have an alias on your Strava account and would like your result posted as your name please send an email to
-If you end up riding to the event or add extra miles add a + sign to your ride name, We'd like to give props to those ride a bunch of extra miles (otherwise known as the Royal Benjamin)
-If you don't want to run Strava and want your name on the results page please send an email with a photo of your cycle computer or timing device.  Strava is needed to be enter into the the top 20.

Link to map of route: